A Few "Must Have" Tools for Home Office

I've adapted a completely new mindset since beginning my at-home career just over 3 months ago.  The options of how to do it, what do to with it and how to MEASURE it are ENDLESS!

I thought I would take a few minutes to highlight a few items that are to-die-for necessary for me.  Whether you're a Virtual Assistant like me, or an at-home business, these tools are irreplaceable. They are (in no particular order):

1.  MindSalt (online timekeeping)
I have tried them ALL.  Tested, utilized, manipulated, and switched.  This is the only one you need.  Trust me.  It's dirt cheap and their customer service is phenomenal.  I actually left them, went to another company, then CAME BACK.  Furthermore,  MindSalt leads the pack because of one word: customization.  

2.  DropBox (file storage & sharing)
I was a faithful, loyal customer of YouSendIt. However,  DropBox gets it right because they have an applicaton/program for your Mac/PC.  It's BOSS.  Love it, love it, love it for being LIVE.

3. Google (duh) Mail/Voice/Documents
Okay. I resisted this. For so long.  But once I took on multiple clients (and those clients required me to have an email address with their domain), there was absolutely NO WAY I could manage multiple accounts, store the emails, track the message history, on and on and on. Gmail allows me to send and receive from ANY email address I want and the setup is a snap.  I also resisted using the 'conversation view'.  I have no idea what I waited on.  It's almost as if the clouds parted, sun rose and angels wept.  It was that revolutionary to me.  Also, Google Voice just brought it all home.  I now have one telephone number, rings home or cell, and since most of my clients are here in South Florida, when callers see a local area code, it brings more familiarity to my brand.

4. Free Conference Calling  (Conference Calls)
Totally free, no gimmicks, no ads.  Absolutely love it.  So many features and they all work SO WELL. Plus, you can RECORD, to take notes, later!

5. SmartSheet (Project Management)
Much like the online timekeeping, I have tried many, many different products, to include Basecamp, teamwork, etc..  I worked through all of the aforementioned tools.  SmartSheet leads the way and it just makes my life better.

And...thanks to my VA Mentor, Jennifer Leon, here's a few others that are super-useful.  I just haven't dedicated the time to utilizing them.  


1.  JoinMe (Screen Sharing)
2.  Jing (Instant screenshots & screencasts)
3.  RingCentral (Online phone system)
I have a client that utilizes this system and it works very, very well. I see myself going to this as my client list grows.

Have a recommendation?  Something I should be using? Sound off in the comments section below!


  1. I really love Evernote. It's totally saved me from losing the bits of paper and business cards that I'm given on a regular basis. It's a part of the new "cloud" computing frenzy. Whatever it's called I LOVE it. I just snap a picture with my phone and when I get back to the office I can sort, retain and organized all of the cool things I came across that day. Nothing like it! - L

  2. Great info can't wait to start utilizing these tid bites of information !

    Love ya girl !
